Oregon Technology Services


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T1 / T2 / T- declarations are union procedures and transit customs declarations with the same name that allow the transportation of the products subject to foreign trade, without paying customs duties, in the countries that are parties to the Common Transit Convention. A unique tracking number called MRN is assigned to each declaration opened in T status.

T1 is the union procedure that allows a non-European property to be transported in the countries of the Transit Convention without customs duties. A unique tracking number called MRN is assigned to each declaration opened in T status. -Items origin is not important when determining the regime. For example, for a German-origin item, the declaration type initiated from Trieste would be T1. The important thing is that the T declaration is filed before the commodity leaves the EU territory and / or enters the Free Zone. In this case, it becomes T2.

T2 is the Union procedure that allows Community (EU) goods to be transported in countries that are parties to the Transit Convention without paying customs duties. T2 declaration opened in countries that are party to the Convention widely used in transport to Turkey.

Common Transit Regime is a regime that allows the transit operations to be carried out easily between the countries that are parties to the regime. Countries that are party to the regime are; European Union and EFTA countries, Northern Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. Turkey became a party on this regime on December 1, 2012.

T1/T2 declarations are valid in countries that are parties to the Common Transit Regime. EU countries, EFTA (Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra), Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia. For example, T1 cannot be used for shipments to countries such as Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.

Although there are no T1 / T2 transactions, a transit document that guarantees customs duties in international transportation is mandatory. In addition to the T1 / T2 documents, transportation can be carried out with a TIR Carnet, ATA Carnet and one of the national transit documents according to the legislation of the country concerned.

T1 declaration opens in export because products that are transported from Turkey to the European Union are not Community property. If a Greek origin product that have not been subjected to free movement in Turkey is going to be transported from Turkey to EU, T2 declaration must be opened.

National Transit Regime is a regime that used for transit operations which starts and ends in customs territory of Turkey.

TR declaration abbreviations are used for the declaration given in the National Transit operations in Turkey. From a border gate (land-air-sea border gates) to an internal customs office, From a border gate to a free zone customs office From one border gate to another border gate From one internal customs office to another internal customs office, From an internal customs office to a free zone customs office, From a free zone customs office to a border gate, From one warehouse to another warehouse, From one temporary storage location to another temporary storage location, Transit transactions of goods not in free movement are made under the TR declaration. 

Oregon is the largest privately owned system provider established with %100 domestic capital. Oregon provides T guaranteed customs transit declarations and EU Entry Summary Declarations online to the customs authorities of the countries listed below; -Turkey, AB and EFTA Countries, England, Serbia and Macedonia and United Kingdom. The Oregon system, which provides services with a total collateral capacity of 320 million TL in the customs administrations; Turkey, Germany, Romania, Macedonia, Serbia, Poland and Italy directly to the customs administrations, other NCTS can be sent indirectly to the customs declaration system.

It is a type of collateral given for taxes and other liabilities that may arise regarding the goods carried in transit operations. It is used depending on the permission because it is a simplification type. Comprehensive Guarantee is deducted from the system by registering the guarantee by the customs administration, and becomes available after the arrival notification is made by the customs administration.

The Oregon system provides its members with the opportunity to submit declarations from their offices to the customs authorities of the countries listed below without using any additional software; Turkey, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Serbia, Poland and Italy. You don’t need to use job followers to bring the statements written in the system to the LRN position. Submitting a direct declaration does not mean that the transaction can be completed by the driver. Except for Germany and Poland, the customs administrations usually request a spedition for tracking of returns.

Yes, when needed. Oregon members can prepare and send their declarations from their own offices, and they can receive this service 24/7 from Oregon by mailing related documents. After obtaining the documents by mail, Oregon prepares them for your control, usually in 10 minutes if there is no document missing. Following the approval, you can start the customs process by following your registration number in the system.

All kinds of documents that will identify the good. Generally, invoice and export / import declaration and CMR are enough. Additional documents may be requested by Oregon Risk Management when it can be considered as risky situations.

Theoretically it can be unlimited. However, for partial transportations, one declaration is required for each loading-unloading customs match. Although the loading customs are the same, in case of two separate discharge customs, 2 declarations are required.

Yes. As long as the transportation and customs legislation allows, you can use the foreign carriers as “Subcontractor” as well as the companies with any carrier authorization certificate. The Oregon Operation Management may request an email based on the fact that you are aware of the registration while doing the sub-carrier registers.

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In order to use the system, a short and simple training which will take maximum two hours by Oregon is enough. You will also have the opportunity to experiment in the test environment with a temporary password that we will give you. Again, distance learning is possible through the TeamViewer program.

Oregon automatically calculates tax duties and charges (including VAT) for the goods contained in the vehicle. Accordingly, TR, T1, T2 fee is automatically calculated by the system including VAT. If your T1 declarations are created within Oregon, the ENS fee is not charged.

Our standard price list is available on our website. However, in situations that require special pricing, you may need to contact our Operation Managers

Our special pricing procedures are used for goods counted as risky goods groups (alcohol, cigarette, meats and etc.) and aircraft engines, the price of which is over 500 thousand euros, and for heavy project loads.

You can always follow the status of each TR, T1 or EU Summary Declarations opened through Oregon online. The system allows you to see all the status of your declarations such as "Accepted by Principal Responsible", "Accepted by Customs", "Released for Carriage", "Terminated / Released by Customs.’’ Just follow the ‘Declaration Notifications’ table on your homepage and you can see all of the status of your declaration.

It is essential that the transit declaration that you open reaches and ends with the Arrival Customs Administration within the given time. The fact that the declaration is not registered at the arrival customs may mean that the vehicle has not yet reached the customs. In such a situation, you may face with serious problems.

In order to release the transit declaration you have opened, the control results must be entered by the relevant customs office, and then the transaction must be closed by the customs office. If the control results are not compatible with the declared, the relevant customs administrations may refuse to close the declaration. In such a case, the reason for the incompatibility must be proved to the customs administration by providing additional information and documents. Otherwise, depending on the reason causing the mismatch, tax and penalty payments may occur.

Absolutely. You can also use Oregon for TR, T1 declarations, which are required for the transportation of goods sent to all the ports of our country, used for the transportation of goods not in free circulation and shipped to domestic customs. Keep in mind, you can also rent 45 feet container from Oregon.

No. There is a template function on the system that allows you to save the declaration and use the information over and over again.

Yes. Oregon is already integrated with some software / programs and reintegration can be made based on customer demand.

It is a document that containing transit declaration information. This document accompanies the item during the transit process. There are details about the good in the list of items in this document.

If the transit declaration includes safety and security information, it is a document that is based on transit declaration information and safety / security information, printed from the computerized transit system to accompany to the good. With this document, it is not necessary to submit a summary declaration at the first entrance to the territory of the European Union in transits to European countries that are parties to CTS from our country.

The Transit Administration is defined as the exit administration from the contracting party. (If entry to a contracting party is to be passed through the customs administration or a third country border.) It should be noted that the countries that make up the European Union are one contracting party here. In a transit process starts from Turkey to Germany, with the condition of not leaving European Union borders, transit administration will be Bulgarian entry customs administration. If a third country that is not a party to the contract is to be passed through, the contracting party exit customs is also the transit administration. For instance, for a transportation from Turkey to Hungary through Bulgaria and Serbia, transit administrations are; Bulgarian entry, Serbian entry and Hungarian entry customs administrations.

The LRN (Local Reference Number) is a registration number that is automatically issued by the system by issuing the transit declaration through the system on its main responsible side. MRN (Movement Reference Number) is a global registration number that is automatically issued by the system as a result of acceptance, registration and inspection of a LRN given transit declaration by the departure administration.

It is possible. In such cases, it is necessary to prepare different declarations to be submitted to each arrival office.

In case of transporting the same export goods and goods that not in free movement within the same transportation vehicle, a separate declaration must be issued for each.

If the the goods covered by an export declaration is loaded on a single transport vehicle, transporting can be made with a single transit declaration. However, if the goods covered by a single export declaration is to be transported by more than one vehicle, separate declarations must be issued for each vehicle.

If the same export declaration is to be transferred by more than one vehicle, a separate transit declaration is required. In each transit declaration, the export declaration must be referenced separately. During the reference, 'Yes' option should be selected for the ‘Is it partly?’ question, and this option should be marked as ‘No' for the last vehicle. Otherwise, even if the transit declaration is released, the export declaration will remain open.

In such cases, it is possible to submit a single transit declaration. During filling in the declaration, the receiver and sender sections are left blank on the main declaration screen. Processing is done by filling these fields on the Items screen.

Guarantee is calculated by taking into account the tax and other burdens to be applied on to third country goods that are not in free movement. Exemptions from origin are not applied. Therefore, sometimes there are differences between the real tax burden of the goods and the amount of guarantee.

Transit administration is a declared area only for transports within the framework of the Common Transit Regime, and there is no concept of transit administration in national transit operations.

It is obligatory to add invoice and transport document to the transit declaration. Depending on the type of goods and transport, a certificate of authorization, a pass document, a permit and other documents requested by the customs administration can be added.

Correction can be made by the responsible until the MRN receives in it. After the MRN is received, cancellations and changes are under the authority of the customs administration.

The declaration can only be revoked after the Inspection Officer has been appointed. In this case, a new declaration must be opened. Inspection Officer may reject the declaration at any stage, Inspection Officer can cancel the statement brought in REL_TRA status. Surveillance Officer can not cancel the statement brought in REL_TRA status.

The points that should be taken into consideration while giving time in transit are as follows; road and weather conditions, the state of the countries to be crossed and the distance to the arrival administration. For example, for a vehicle travelling from Gaziantep to Germany, minimum transit time (5 or 7 days) should not be given, sufficient time should be given considering the distance (eg 12-14 days). Transit time is given by the relevant customs officer at the departure customs.

As a general rule, the vehicle is sealed. However, pursuant to the Common Transit Agreement, the departure administration may give up sealing if they find the declaration information or its definition in the supplementary documents sufficient.

Although there is no obligation for the Transit Accompanying Document to be sealed in the customs legislation by the departure administration, the transit accompanying document must be submitted by applying a stamp-signature by the customs officer in accordance with the transportation legislation.

Under normal conditions, only the 'border crossing notification' is made by the transit administration and the transfer of the vehicle is provided. However, when deemed necessary, it is possible to inspect the goods by the administration serving as transit administration.

The arrival notification is to inform the departure administration through the system that the vehicle carrying transit goods has reached the arrival administration within the transit time or by exceeding the transit time. With the notification of arrival, the status of the declaration becomes (ARR-ADV).

The Control Result is that the result of the examination of an item is reported to the departure administration through the system. This item must be within the scope of a transit declaration with an arrival notification. The status of the declaration becomes (DES-CON) or (DES-CON-NEG) upon entering the control result.

Normally, the export declaration is closed after the transit door operation is done. If it is not closed, the opening of the export declaration may not be correct. Or, while the export declaration is registered, the original invoice has not been issued and the transaction may have been made over the fax / copy invoice. In this case, the original invoice must be delivered to the departure customs and the annotation on the declaration must be removed by the officer.

The prerequisite for the closing of an export declaration is that the number of the declaration is recorded in the relevant section of the transit declaration, in other words, the opening is made. Closing of the transit declaration and closing of the export declaration are different. Even if the transit declaration is not closed, the export declaration can become closed status. When the goods are exported by road, the export declaration closes automatically. In sea and air transportation, it is closed by the relevant officials upon the notification of exit.

In case of differences in container and weight, a dispute notification is made by the arrival administration. Based on the dispute notification made, the dispatcher resolves the disputes and closes the procedures to release the transit regime. Apart from the dispute notification, in accordance with the 249th article of the Customs Regulation, deficiency surplus and criminal proceedings are made when necessary.

A proof must be provided that the goods that has arrived at the arrival customs office but has not been entered in the control results in the prescribed time. Such documents are called 'Alternative Proof'. Usually buyer approved CMR, IM4, import declaration are used as alternative proof.

The obligation related to a transit declaration ends with the fact that the goods released at the departure customs are submitted to the arrival customs without any change. In this case, the declaration is released. The declared declaration is seen on the NCTS system in WRT_NOT status.

-If the 'Arrival Information' message is not received within the period given for the transit goods, -If the 'Control Result' message is not received within 6 days of receiving the arrival information message, The necessary work is done to release the regime by the departure administration, and if this is not possible, the research procedure is started.

A declaration whose research has been started; -Collection of taxes, -Declaration cancellation by the departure administration -Submitting alternative evidence -It is released by the confirmation copy by the arrival administration.

The declaration must be submitted to the departure customs administration for acceptance within 30 days of the declaration made via the system. Declarations that are not submitted within 30 days are rejected by the departure customs administration. The status of the rejected declarations appears as DEC_REJ on the NCTS system. Under Article 241, fines are not applied. However, for declarations with the status of DEC_REJ, stamp duty is collected by the customs administration or tax authorities.

Within the scope of the common transit regime, the time limit is determined not less than five days, except for force majeure, taking into account the distance of the destination customs office in the relevant country. It is determined by using the table below. Group - Countries - Minimum,Maximum Duration (Days) Group 1 - Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Serbia - 5-7 Group 2 - Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia - 6-8 Group 3 - Austria, Poland, Czech Republic - 8-12 Group 4 - Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia - 9-14 Group 5 - France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Sweden - 10-15 Group 6 - England, Ireland, Norway, Iceland - 15

Transit time; a) Maximum 120 hours in April, May, June, July, August, September, b) Maximum 168 hours in October, November, December, January, February and March.

It is mandatory to write the minimum customs tariff subheading in box 33 of the declaration. Tariff subheading refers to the first 6 digits of the harmonized system number. Upon the request of our customers, it is possible to write 12 HS code.

It is not compulsory to write the value of the goods. However, the Ministry of Trade made it obligatory to fill the value area in the transportation of the following items to the internal customs administrations through the land border gates. TARIFF SUB-POSITION 0405.10 0801.32 0802.12 0802.31 0802.32 0803.90 0810.50 0811.90 0813.20 0910.99 1006.30 1206.00 1207.40 6601.91 9503.00 9504.50 9505.90 9506.62

The declaration can be corrected by the responsible until the acceptance process is made by the customs office (at the LRN stage).

It can be done. However, the customs administration is authorized to make these corrections. Correction in the transit declaration does not eliminate legal sanctions, if any. Therefore, care must be taken in the process of writing declaration.

In the comprehensive guarantee system, the transit declaration does not have to be closed (WRT_NOT) in order to release the guarantee. After the arrival notification message is sent by the arrival customs administration (AAR_ADV) , the guarantee is released.

Each country enters the list of customs administrations that are authorized to carry out common transit operations in the computerized system supported by the European Commission. The information you can find in this system are; authorized customs administrations, relevant identification codes and duties of these administrations, the days and hours when customs administrations are open. If these documents change, the information in the computerized system is updated.

GRN refers to the guarantee reference number. For each letter of guarantee introduced to the system is determined by the customs administration. For Example; 13TR0004000008096.
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